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Recent Reviews

Harrison Hotel - , FLMay 30, 2024

Fonax offered the best solution for our Hotel of over 50 rooms, leveraging on the existing wiring to deploy a Cloud IP Based hotel solution that is super affordable and reliable. Now our guests have great service and it did not affect our Budget at all!

Dany Car Auto Sales - , FLMay 09, 2024

Our company uses Fonax's Cloud Telephony solution since the beginning and he have grown over the years aking with them. They offer an excellent way to keep control of our communications and also saving Us a lot of money in the process. Some of the most important modules for Us is the call recording module, which keeps record of everything we talk to our customers in a secure cloud environment.

Easy Group - , CADecember 26, 2023

Our company has officers in the West Coast USA and Europe. With Fonax's great Contact Center solution we have been able to seamlessly operate in the US. Europe and Latin America, greatly improving our response times and options for our custumers.

Montblanc International - , NYSeptember 18, 2022

Fonax has allowed Us to make some drastical improvements in our communications also including some important savings for our budget, including the possibility for remote work and state-of-the-art technology.

Mr. Claims - Orlando and Tampa, FLMarch 17, 2022

Fonax Cloud Services is the best solution in the market for our type of corporation. We have offices in the US and staff working locally and remotely. With Fonax Cloud we had been able to quickly implement a very established company that provides great services in Florida and we recommend Fonax Cloud to companies of all sizes, since we have been growing every year and Fonax has been growing with US as needed.

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